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04/02/20 01:34 PM #36    

Lorean Holloway (Thompson)

banana pudding made from scratch in microwave in 8 minutes ---delivered to people in jail (quarantined) .Thanks to truck drivers and farmers we still have milk and butter to make this.  

06/18/20 01:27 PM #37    


Edith Guynes (Stanley)

Dan, I guess I'm surprised that someone said that about you. I've always thought you communicated very well, if a bit above my understanding in some instances! To illustrate, I'm am relating a story about my son which I think corresponds with your communication skills. Michael was an extremely talented and knowledgeable computer technician. Actually, he is the one that got our class web site set up originally and gave it such unique qualities that we still enjoy, even though it is now hosted on a different platform. One day, my brother-in-law, asked him a question about something to do with computer issues. When Michael replied to him in his usual fashion (and I do mean usual), Porter responded, "Michael, I do appreciate you answering my question, but I really just wanted a simple answer, not a doctoral dissertation!" All of us who ever asked Michael a computer question, expecting a simple answer, felt the same way as Porter did with his response!!


10/01/20 06:53 PM #38    

Audrey Ochs (Powell)

I'm just anxious for the answers.  I always enjoy your "ponderings"!








10/01/20 08:51 PM #39    


Edith Guynes (Stanley)

Donald Trump said only I can fix it and that carmage was the critical issue.

John F Kennedy affirmed that our benefits and rights come not from the state but from God.

11/19/20 11:03 AM #40    

Audrey Ochs (Powell)

Thanks  Dan.  I agree!!


11/20/20 09:47 AM #41    


Robert Kenimer

Dan,  You are right on.  Thanks

01/03/21 07:31 AM #42    


Charles Boyd


Looking forward to your first book.  Your Indian in Jesus, Chief


01/16/21 11:34 AM #43    

John Wilkinson

Dan thanks for your words.

Jesus said, "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." I haven't seen any evidence of Mr. Trump embracing truth or nurturing his dormant soul. So his future wouldn't likely include much joy.

03/19/21 07:54 AM #44    

John Wilkinson

Dan, very thought provoking post.  Clearly Judas and the younger priest in the movie had an open door to their heart for Satan to walk through.  I feel that the young man who killed the sex workers in Atlanta also had an open door

08/11/21 09:20 AM #45    


Charles Boyd


I think part of what is happening in the Church (mostly in the denominational Churches) is their reluctance to comment on the the politics of the day.  It is like they do not acknowledge that God put those in D.C. giving them governance of our Nation.  Satan is running rampant today but the true eklesia, the true Church, those who believe in Jesus and his saving grace, is starting to fight back.  Why do I not hear from the pulpit condemnation of the open southern border which allows COVID and criminals into our country, ships them to our neighborhoods all over the country then helps them with housing etc all with our dollars!  Why are they now hocking my children and grandchildren's future by spending money that they will have to pay back.  Is it greed or just stupidity?  Probably it is both!  My charge is the same to love Jesus and to love people.  That means I must consider life as precious and sacred as God does, hence I am against abortion, even if am forced to pay for it with my tax dollars.  Why do we send money to other countries to fund abortions - our stupidity in D.C. is reaching heights I would never have ever thought possible back in 50's when I started paying taxes and social security.  But my faith in Jesus tells me that America is looking at another great awakening!!!  I can only proclaim that I intend to be right there with my Lord doing my part!!!

81 is a great age.  When I saw you in Borger at this summers class reunion I would never have put you at that age level.  Don't fret, just enjoy and stay in tune with Jesus!!!

Your Indian in Jesus,


08/12/21 07:34 AM #46    

John Wilkinson

Thank you for your post and for your questions.  My experience has been that teaching my children to be active followers of Jesus and be active in His chuch was a much more successful endeavor than teaching my grandchildren.  My grandchildren will accompany us to church when they visit, but for many of them that is their only participation.  Unfortunately I cannot give a lot of advice on how to change their priorities.

Regarding whether the church should be involved in the community my response is an emphatic yes.  God gave Moses the instruction th

08/12/21 08:01 AM #47    

John Wilkinson

Thank you for your post and for your questions.  My experience has been that teaching my children to be active followers of Jesus and be active in His chuch was a much more successful endeavor than teaching my grandchildren.  My grandchildren will accompany us to church when they visit, but for many of them that is their only participation.  Unfortunately I cannot give a lot of advice on how to change their priorities.

Regarding whether the church should be involved in the community my response is an emphatic yes.  God gave Moses the instruction that His followers should love God with all their might and love their neighbors as much as they love themseves.  Then Jesus came along and said that the most important thing for His followers to do is the same thing, love God and love your neighbor.  And later Jesus told the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25 in which His message is that the absolutely most important thing His followers are to do is to help those who can't help themselves.

The church cannot accomplish these clear instructions without being involved in the community feeding the poor and homeless, advocating for justice for those who have none and many more similar activities.

My wife and I have slowly transitioned over time from our Southern Baptist background to the Methodist church because in our experience Methodista are much more active in ministries to the poor, homeless and those needing justice.

Dan thanks again for a great question.

10/18/21 02:55 PM #48    

Lorean Holloway (Thompson)

Just trust the scriptures.  Ecc12:13 ---Noah had never seen rain, but he built an ark.  Follow the scriptures.  Have faith.  Pure religion James 1:27 --you have to have faith in the scriptures first.  Acts tells how to be saved and the Epistles tell us how to live.  Not easy.  I hope you find peace..  You have interesting posts, they are too deep for me.  I had to read Bill Buckley with a dictionary years ago. Prayers 

10/24/21 01:19 AM #49    

Amada Vidaurri


I hesitate to write because few of the women do and I don't know why.  Abigail Adams was right and we all probably agree that women are equal to men and that we can now speak and vote.  

January : I'm surprised something did not happen sooner.  How long were people supposed to put up with the rioting and looting in Seattle, Chicago, New York, etc.  I don't think the Constitution was a factor.

Socialism:  Is this what Lyndon Johnson intended with his Great Society?  I don't think we all need to be reduced to the lowest common denominator.  Human nature being what it is, there will always be poverty and although we all all unique, we are  all not equal except in the  eyes of God.  We do try to help those who cannot help themselves.

Abortion:  I do not have children and I do not know the lyrics to any "he done me wrong songs", so maybe I am not too biased .  I am a Catholic.  I do not know about other faiths, but the various denomiations of the Christian fath cannot agree  when life begins - at conception, when there is a heartbeat, when the fetus is viable, etc.; when and how does the soul arrive? If it is a life, why is abortion not murder?  Is murder o.k.?

There is a lot of rhetoric about "choice" and 'rights".  If you were a willing particpant at the creation, why are you not responsible for the consequences?  If it is not a medical necessity, does this take care of the "ooops!", I didn't mean to get  pregnant factor?  Does the father have any rights?  We do not hear much about having a moral compass.

Opinions:  Yes, I have more

Sinners:  A sinner vs. a loser - You can repent witth your dying breath.




You may have already seen a version of this.  A friend shared this with me.

An English teacher wrote to Ann Landers and asked for a repeat of a prevous column.  Her class was reading Orwell's 1984 and she wanted to explain the isms without having to teach too much history. The new column may have been from 12-4-2002.  Landers called it an "oldie but goldie".

SOCIALISM: You have two cows; give one to your neighbor. COMMUNISM: You have two cows; give both cows to the governent and they  might give you some milk. FASCISM: You have two cows; give all of the milk to the government and the government sells it. NAZISM: You have two cows; the government shoots you and takes both cows.  ANARCHISM: You have two cows; shoot the government agent and steal another cow.  CAPITALISM; You have two cows; sell one, buy a bull.



02/16/22 09:21 AM #50    


Charles Boyd


I attended the the walk to Emaus quite a few years ago.  It was very helpful for me to see how important that it is to be in tune with the Love of Jesus for each of us!!!  Since then I have been more adept at meeting with him each day, even during very hectic days.  Do I always do it well, no.  But I do attempt to be in touch with him each and every day!  Be blessed brother and let the Spirit guide you in your walk!!!

Your Indian in Jesus, 


02/18/22 12:54 PM #51    

Ruthie Darby (Laughery)

Lynda, you are in my prayers.  Thots and love 

02/19/22 08:20 AM #52    


Charles Boyd

Oh Jesus, wash Lynda with your awesome peace, comfort and presence today!!!  Take care of her Lord!!!

Your Indian in Jesus,


03/15/22 10:33 AM #53    


Charles Boyd


I too was blessed on the walk to Emmaus!  Is anyone worthy except our Jesus? No, you and I are called to boldly stand for and with Jesus each day and in every way.  Sounds easy, but it does require lots of hard work.  So spend your time proclaiming Jesus and let him use you to bless others remembering it is he that does all of the blessing, you and I just his instruments!!!  wa do ji sa!!!

Your Indian in Jesus,


P.S.:  "wa do ji sa" is simply Thank you Jesus in Cherokee!!!


12/10/22 09:14 AM #54    

John Wilkinson

Dan, thanks very much for your thought provoking post.  I too am a Methodist.  I feel you are 100% correct that Christianity needs to focus much more on following the teachings of Jesus in many areas including the equality of women and would add His emphasis on maintaining unity in the church.

Happy holidays to you and also to all of my other classmates!

12/11/22 09:45 AM #55    


Charles Boyd


I was a methodist but found a non-demonational church in Denver who just proclaims the Word!!!  We enjoy the church and a great Sunday School class.  The Methodist Bishop in Colorado is gay .  I agree that gays etc. need to be ministered too by the Church and can be members but for leadership it is not acceptable.  We are to love others and help them find Christ and to follow His Word.  

Your Indian in Jesus,


04/10/23 07:47 AM #56    


Paula Kay Collins (Diamond)

Anybody in Amarillo that could let me tag along with them to the reunion? I can't drive anymore but would love to go. You can call me at 806-731-3535. 


Paula Collins Diamond


05/19/23 10:15 AM #57    

Melvin Grimes


11/27/23 02:32 PM #58    


Charles Boyd


If you are wrestling with confusion, look at the following scriptures:

      Isa 26: 3  -  1 Cor 14:33  -  Isa 55: 8 - 9

Your Indian in Jesus,  Chief

10/01/24 01:39 PM #59    


Lester Dan Langley

I have transferred my membership from a United to a Global Methodist Church. As yet, I have not sensed the difference except for the legal relationship between the individual church and the regional church organization. I've joined a new Sunday School Class, which is smaller than the one I belonged to. I am the only man. Perhaps that is God's will. If you are weary of the current political malaise, keep the faith. The republic has been through this before and survived. As for what is happening in the Middle East, we may be in for what the region has gone through before. My solution has always been ridiculed, but I repeat it here: Make Nevada a Jewish homeland. And, please, don't lose your faith in the Georgia Bulldogs. LDL

12/09/24 07:45 PM #60    


Lester Dan Langley

I need some help for those of you who remember taking Homer Pruitt's carpentry and woodworking class in junior high. I still have the desk lamp I made in the class. Pruitt, as I recall, was a veteran of the Great War (WW1) and had suffered a gas attack. Do any of you recall that on day's when we had dust storms he would tell us about wearing his gas mask? Or did he actually bring his mask to class? I cannot recall the name of the leather works teacher. I don't have a yearbook for those years. I am nowadays focused early 20th century America and Pruitt came of age with that generation. 

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